Days of Awe
At this time of “Days of Awe”, the time between the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Jews all over the world become more introspective. We diligently call out all the places where we sinned— “missed the mark,” as translated from Hebrew. We ask forgiveness for all we may have hurt. Intentionally or unintentionally. This
Aging is tough stuff… Are you up for the challenge?
You think you have everything under control, then something you weren't prepared for happens. You're thrown into a tailspin. How do you get your feet back on the ground? Can you stop for a minute and take a deep breath or two? Caregivers work to care for loved ones for weeks, months, or even years. Struggling
The Practice of Growing Old
Do you want to be "Young" when you die? Do you want people to say, "She died young?"? No, not me. I want to be Old when I die. My mother was old. She was 94. And she still prepared her own taxes the April before she died! So, how do we get there? How do we face the
How many times during the day do you make a choice? For me, sometimes it starts first thing in the morning. Do I jump out of bed? Or do I linger? What should I have for breakfast? Do I eat oatmeal again? Granola? Eggs? And the day goes on. Some questions have little consequences. And there are many life-altering choices. Choices with